Tuesday, July 25, 2006

13 Week Challenge: Lose 30 lbs

Alright, this is it. I'm officially going on a diet. Why should anyone care about some (almost) fat North American, when people around the world are starving? Well, you shouldn't, but I'm going to try to document the experience honestly, and to provide real data. Maybe you're another fat North American. Maybe I can inspire you.

I've started another blog, just for this diet. Read all about it here.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Party: newmindspace Flights of Fancy

A friend invited me to a public party by the folks at newmindspace. I'd never been to one of their events before, and didn't know what to expect. It was a blast!

We were instructed to meet at Queen's park, at 7pm, in costume. After waiting for people to gather, we walked over to Museum station, and took the TTC down to Union station. From there, we paraded east along Front street, and the Esplanade. We stopped in a park for some dancing, and flame-twirling.

Our next destination was the distillery district, where we entertained some Friday-night diners and gallery-goers. Finally, we headed over to Cherry Beach for a bonfire, under the moon light.

Interestingly, I ran in to my new boss, who was with one of the bands. This is a good sign.

Photos are here.

Thanks to Michelle for getting the awesome feather masks, and to Trish for her dollar-store wizardry. Oh, and to Robertson for sending us the invite. I think Barry stole the show in his authentic Nigerian suit, though.

'till next time!


I'll be starting a contract with Transgaming on Tuesday! I'll be working on the "console team", helping to port games from one system to another. It'll be interesting to see how this differs from creating a game from scratch.

I'd been working on an independent action game, but once my severance package ran out I had to submit to The First Rule of Independent Games.

Rule 1: Don't quit your day job!